Prices & tourist tax
Check in
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Latest check out
Until 10:00 a.m.
Apartment 1
For a maximum of 4 people - 50m²
Price without breakfast
Price per night / apartment: EUR 170.00
Apartment 2
For a maximum of 4 people - 50m²
Price without breakfast
Price per night / apartment: EUR 170.00
Apartment 3
For a maximum of 6 people - 60m²
Prices without breakfast
Price per night / 4 people: EUR 195.00
Each additional person: EUR 20.00
Family room - without kitchen
For a maximum of 6 people - 42m²
Price with breakfast
Price per night / 4 people: EUR 180.00
Each additional person: EUR 25.00
Parking lot - free of charge!
One (1) private parking spot is available for one apartment.
For all other cars, you have to search for an official parking place by your own.
Please note that parking discs are mandatory throughout Rust (2h)
For apartment 1-3
Per person / day plus EUR 8.00
Tourist tax
Adults 12 years or above
Per person / day: EUR 1.00
in cash
All prices include 19% / 7% VAT.
All apartment requires a minimum stay of
2 nights for booking.